Press release - Outcome of the 168th session of the European Pharmacopoeia Commission - December 2020
Une erreur s'est produite lors du traitement du gabarit.
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> renderer.getArticle [in template "20097#20123#106922" at line 29, column 42] ---- Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: journalArticle = renderer.getArticle() [in template "20097#20123#106922" at line 29, column 25] ----
1<#assign webContentXMLParser = serviceLocator.findService("com.coe.template.helper.api.WebContentXMLParser") />
2<#assign ddmTemplate = webContentXMLParser.getDDMTemplateByName(request, "Macros") />
3<#include "${templatesPath}/${ddmTemplate.templateKey}" />
6 class = ""
7 catFiltersActive = false
9<#list stringUtil.split(metadataFields) as metadata>
10 <#if metadata == "categories">
11 <#assign
12 class = "categoryfilters"
13 catFiltersActive = true
14 />
15 </#if>
17<div class="title-list ${class}">
18<#if entries?has_content>
19 <#list entries as curEntry>
20 <#assign
21 content = ""
22 date = ""
23 location = ""
24 link = ""
25 origin = ""
27 renderer = curEntry.getAssetRenderer()
28 className = renderer.getClassName()
29 journalArticle = renderer.getArticle()
30 journalArticleContent = journalArticle.getContentByLocale(locale?string)
31 />
33 <#if className == "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle">
34 <#assign
35 origin = webContentXMLParser.getValue(journalArticleContent, 'origine')
36 date = webContentXMLParser.getValue(journalArticleContent, 'date')
37 location = webContentXMLParser.getValue(journalArticleContent, 'location')
38 lien_redirection = webContentXMLParser.getValue(journalArticleContent, 'lien_redirection')
39 simulPlayBool = webContentXMLParser.getValue(journalArticleContent, 'simulateur_play')
40 />
42 <#if lien_redirection?? && lien_redirection?has_content>
43 <#assign link = lien_redirection>
44 <#else>
45 <#attempt>
46 <#assign link = assetPublisherHelper.getAssetViewURL(renderRequest, renderResponse, curEntry)>
47 <#recover>
48 Recovering from getAssetViewURL error
49 </#attempt>
50 <#if assetLinkBehavior != "showFullContent">
51 <#assign link = renderer.getURLViewInContext(renderRequest, renderResponse, link)>
52 </#if>
53 </#if>
55 <div class="element <#if catFiltersActive><@getClasses entry=curEntry/></#if> clearfix">
56 <@getEditIcon />
58 <#if origin != "" || location != "" || date != "">
59 <div class="upper">
60 <#if origin != "">
61 <span class="origine">${origin}</span>
62 </#if>
63 <#if date != "">
64 <span class="date">${date}</span>
65 </#if>
66 <#if location != "">
67 <span class="location">${location}</span>
68 </#if>
69 </div>
70 </#if>
71 <p>
72 <a href="${link}">
73 ${htmlUtil.escape(curEntry.getTitle(locale))}
74 </a>
75 </p>
76 </div>
77 </#if>
78 </#list>