The estimation of the potency of preparations covered by the Gonadotrophin, equine serum, for veterinary use (0719) monograph relies on comparative analyses performed with the WHO International Standard (IS) for equine serum gonadotrophin.
The stocks of the IS for equine serum gonadotrophin are exhausted and the material is no longer available from the producer (NIBSC). Consequently, the Gonadotrophin, equine serum, for veterinary use (0719) monograph can no longer be applied.
Therefore, at its 170th plenary session on 22-23 June 2021, the European Pharmacopoeia Commission decided to suspend the Gonadotrophin, equine serum, for veterinary use (0719) monograph. This means that as of Supplement 10.8, the monograph in question will no longer be part of the Ph. Eur. but will nonetheless remain on the Ph. Eur. work programme until a final decision can be made concerning its fate.
Any further decisions on this topic will be published in a new item on this page.
See also: