European Donation Day (EDD)
Why a European Donation Day (EDD)?
Sponsored by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM) of the Council of Europe and hosted by a different country every year since 1996, the European Donation Day (EDD) aims to raise public awareness of the need for organ, tissue and cell donation and promote the principle of voluntary and non-remunerated donation.
In 2023, the European Donation Day is celebrated on 7 October.
Organ, tissue and cell transplantation is one of the great medical success stories of modern times, offering major therapeutic benefits and improvements to quality of life. It is also, in many cases, the only treatment capable of restoring essential functions, such as sight, or of saving patients suffering from end-stage organ failure. Demand for transplantable organs, tissues and cells still far exceeds supply, however, with important consequences for health. The key figures from Newsletter Transplant, the annual worldwide survey on transplantation, make clear just how dire the situation is for thousands of patients who suffer in silence.
Spain is the host country of this year’s EDD, but all countries are invited to mark the occasion.
More information on the activities around Europe can be found on
EDD 2023 in Spain
To mark this year’s European Donation Day, Spain will host several events in Santander:
- 8 November: meeting of the European Committee on Organ Transplantation (CD-P-TO)
The CD-P-TO is the steering committee in charge of organ transplantation activities at the EDQM/Council of Europe. Its mandate includes raising awareness on organ, tissue and cell donation, transplantation and human application, in addition to elaborating ethical, quality and safety standards in the field of transplantation, promoting the principle of non-commercialisation of organ, tissue and cell donation, and strengthening measures to avoid trafficking.
- 9-10 November: International conference “Towards Global Convergence in Transplantation: Sufficiency, Transparency & Oversight”
This conference, co-organised by the Spanish Organización Nacional de Trasplantes, the World Health Organization and the Council of Europe, under the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, will highlight important progress made in the field of transplantation, critically review the current situation of donation and transplantation, identify key challenges and devise the future of transplantation in the global arena.
- 11 November: A popular walk
A public walk will be held to help raise awareness of donation and transplantation issues among the general public.
Every single person has a role to play in helping others.
Our social media campaign
Discover what #YourPresentTheirFuture really means, through the stories of Anna, George, Daniel and Julia
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Useful freely available guidance and information for health professionals
Guide to the quality and safety of organs for transplantation - 8th Edition (2022)
Transplant medicine and transplantation have progressed in recent decades in a way that nobody could have imagined before, yet demand for transplantable organs still far exceeds supply – with important consequences for health. The transplantation of organs offers major therapeutic benefits and improvements to quality of life and is, in many cases, the only life-saving treatment for end-stage organ failure. As with all substances of human origin, transplantation of human organs entails a risk of disease transmission. Comprehensive quality systems and appropriate donor screening and selection must therefore be in place to guarantee the best possible transplantation outcomes. The Guide to the quality and safety of organs for transplantation (Organ Guide) contributes to meeting this need.
The 8th Edition of the Organ Guide collates state-of-the-art information to provide an indispensable overview of the most recent advancements in the field and technical guidance to ensure the safety and quality of human organs intended for transplantation, with the ultimate goal of improving successful and safe organ transplantation rates. Easy access to this information is essential for all stakeholders concerned – professionals involved in identifying possible organ donors, co-ordinators managing living or deceased donation pathways, those responsible for the allocation and clinical use of human organs, quality managers within the process, and health authorities responsible for donation and transplantation programmes.
Learn more by reading the Organ Guide information leaflet (PDF).
The electronic version of the Guide can be downloaded for free online.
The paper version is available for purchase from the EDQM Store.
Guide to the quality and safety of tissues and cells for human applications - 5th Edition (2022)
The Guide to the quality and safety of tissues and cells for human application (the “Tissues and cells guide”) provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the most recent advances in the field, as well as technical guidance to ensure the quality and safety of human tissues and cells for human application. It is intended for professionals involved in identifying potential donors; transplant co-ordinators managing the process of donation after death; bone marrow and cord blood collection centres; fertility clinics; tissue establishments processing and storing tissues and cells; testing laboratories; organisations responsible for human application; inspectors auditing the establishments; and health authorities responsible for tissues and cells for human application.
The 5th Edition of the Tissues and Cells Guide provides fully revised information and guidance – aligned with current scientific knowledge, expert opinion and the results of many international projects – to optimise quality and minimise risks associated with the use of human tissues and cells. It provides professionals with the guidance necessary to improve the rate of successful clinical applications of tissues and cells. The ethical principles and guidelines relevant in the context of tissue and cell donation and related human applications are also addressed.
Learn more by downloading the Tissues and cells guide information leaflet (PDF).
The electronic version of the guide can be downloaded for free online.
The paper version is available for purchase from the EDQM WebStore.
Transplantation events training resources
Over the years, the EDQM has organised several webinars on a variety of topics relevant to organ, tissue and cell donation and transplantation. They provide the best available scientific data to support professionals worldwide, increase the safety of donated tissues and minimise risks for staff working in donation centres and tissue establishments.
Carefully prepared by the European Committee on Organ Transplantation, these booklets are aimed at helping families, donors and parents, and provide independent and scientifically grounded information. These titles are available in English and French.
“Tissue donation – Everything you need to know”
“Donation of oocytes, a guide for women to support informed decisions”
“Exercise your way to better post-transplant health”
“Umbilical cord blood banking”